Friday, May 13, 2011

What Causes My Legs To Ache At Night

MasterMind, a "perfect description Milord "

Yesterday I attended the first meeting of the MasterMind Group. This was mainly cause of two arguments. First, in the end I have a better and stable connection to the Internet, and secondly, I really liked about the meeting, for describing the world in the RPG session. Steel visitor said that attendance was a record, although not very talkative, maybe because it was a lot of freshmen, the timid:)

Overall I am not surprised because he was thrown into deep water right at the beginning of the exercise, describing the meeting in the form NPC (I prefer the shortcut than BN). I do not know how everyone else picked up my description, though I have not I found it to be the peak of its capabilities, with no preparation (

But why should I write about all this? Because damn envious of the guest, who got exercise, describing the task of describing the cathedral:) I liked the end result, but what they did in the chancel of nobles? I think that he invited them there, the pastor of what is possible:) In my jealousy (of course this positive), I decided on the basis of some suggestions from the meeting put the blog description of the cathedral. Not using any additional aid, but only from their own experience, because the day before the fourteenth century mastermind'em visited the temple.
Here is a brief description of the cathedral.

Temple which was a scroll of your team with a message from the bishop stood up against the rest of the buildings of the city. He was so great that the royal castle he looked at her like a house of cards, who made the dwarf elf cards including a specially aggravating it. When I came near to the front door, you could not keep up, not to look up at the top. So much odchyliƂo dwarf back, that under the weight of his armor, fell four points to its wholly laughed at the elf. The laughter, however, quickly broke the silence coming from the dark chambers of the temple's interior. When przekroczyliƛcie threshold, you felt a change immediately, which gave the impression of leaving behind hot day, and introduced your team, the pleasant climate friendly to every living creature. Elf also felt the wonderful smell of wood, which the dignity of old age and allowed to breathe fully breast-inhaling the aroma. Slowly walking to the front have decided go to the side aisle to see what's happening in the temple. Pillars, under the impression he was a dwarf, was so powerful that standing together around your team did not give the council of their embrace. A similar enthusiasm aroused enormous stained glass windows, which from the outside looked like a dirty areas of the wall, lit from the inside out scorching sun rays look like inviting gates to paradise. Timid captain walking in front of him looked around the whole cathedral. The side altars, choir stalls, paintings, everything was just like bigger. The entire team had the impression that a flock of mice in the house of a great man. The silence was interrupted by the collapse of the dwarf, who stumbled over a tombstone in the floor of the aisle, where they had buried the previous abbots of the monastic complex. Elf helped him rise to his feet. Looking further, they felt the soft ground. They came to the heart of the cathedral, found themselves before the chancel, which was lined mainly with huge red carpet. The man knelt instinctively. Presbytery breathtaking in their breasts. The beautifully carved choir stalls for the priests of oak aroused a sense of softness of the place, and the gilded statues and place evoked respect and majesty of this place. The altar itself looked as if it was brought from the heavens. High near to the ribs of the dome ceiling, richly decorated with sculptures, statues, paintings requested piece of heaven to the (un) earthly place. Abbot praying before the altar seemed like a small creature, and yet the creature, without which it would be an empty chair. Heroes watched in silence praying monk. When I stood up, with great respect, kissed the altar and bowed deeply. When he turned he saw the characters, as if only came back with another reality. Slightly to the paladin smiled, walked over, and putting in the hands of the master skrol the mission went off without a word by the tiny, almost invisible door to the sacristy.

I hope you enjoyed it:) And what is my way to describe the place? Close your eyes. See it. I tell.

Greetings to MasterMind group.


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