Thursday, May 26, 2011

House Coats With A Zipper

Kids ukwiecają Mother's Day!

This is the second workshop with the kids in my "career":)

One of Lodz nursery, fantastic, kids, ladies przesympatyczne teacher ...

laden with flowers, precision, and sponges - along with my beloved assistant Agata - rush to the Municipal Nursery nr97 in Lodz. Since the threshold greet us smiling faces and curious hands, and what is it? and what? we'll do something with this? about how it smells! and stuff;)

Slide a few tables, kids sit comfortably with them and begin classes. At the beginning of the brief conversation in the subject lay flowers. Toddlers gravitate to drill and can not wait to get their feet in the flowers! Something I feel that the script instead of planned activities - will be a total spontaneous! Well ... and I'm not mistaken;)

little ones get a shield, I want the pink and green I am! no? is pink! And when the casings are standing on the tables - there, I put a big bowl of water, explain what the soaking and the handling of the sponge, why, what and why so and not otherwise ... Is there anything comes to tiny heads? I do not know for sure enjoy all thirty-four meshes! After soaking sponges - everywhere, but everywhere - is the biggest attraction of the workshops!

sponge when they land in the casings - kwiatkowy frenzy begins! We learn and we learn the names of flowers: fre-sion, an-tu-tory, go-ździk, eu-sto-ma, the difference-for ... And then ... and besides - they look!

And he loves his mom? everybody? and how much? and you give your mom czerwpne heart? NO, THIS IS NOT A Lollipop!

whole group very flowery!

We have these little ones - do not contain the tears of emotion - after all, not every Today my mother got a flower theme composed by tiny little hands ...

Mom - I love you!


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