Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ovarian Cyst Complex Hemorrhagic


young priests. Grown up now free. Among mp3 popcorn, Facebook, iPods . Why were priests? What are they afraid, and what they enjoy? How it feels to be young m priest? These words begin one of the articles in the latest "Sunday Visitor." The article, which is a form of intelligence shows a story called four young priests - Michael Benedict, Christopher and Michael. They tell their first moments associated with a view to joining the path of sacrifice their lives to the Lord, for their first difficulties, and about their passions, to help them now in the ministry . A knife is a ball the inn and s sports, playing guitar, face book and many others. Nothing special, but a month before the adoption of sakrmanetu ordained just could not not read this article.

Appointment? Blessed as he spoke. John Paul II is a gift from God to man and the mystery of which człow IEK not est j can comprehend. How was it for me? I will tell you frankly that the story vocation each priest in a bar very personal thing, because in the end it comes to his intimate relationship with God. But tomorrow will begin on Sunday the week of prayer for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, so I decided to whisper a word to you about this:)

decision to join the seminar made the final award in a class, a few months before final exams. This decision was not easy, especially since in my case it was Confirmation "formal departure from the Church." going to the 5-year technical college I was an ordinary teenager, who spent plenty of time before the PS2 console (I was really hardcore player, I went up to the tournaments), I learned perfectly, and there I had some dreams. But I still missing something. I found my way to church. I decided to move the road to which provisions of subparagraph zo s thallium Invite wife. My dear the priesthood began in the Pope's death and the end y in the year jesgo beatification. Heavily expe Lem in s tawiennictwo This holy. M oge even pair edzieć it JP 2 brought me a message from C hr ystusa "Follow me." So for me it looked like.

Route 6 years seminary formation was not easy. Not so much for reasons of science (because in the end is a higher education), but the formation of lu dzkiej and spiritual. grinding hard-ego material n e is easy:) especially as the same one is resistant to treatment. Fight with their own vices, defects, shaping and molding the advantages of self is toughest stage of the journey to the priesthood . For always the most difficult important Passing iwnikiem j n est one who ajlepiej you know, or yourself. Today I think that based on the article on Sunday I will look in the mirror and say that I'm ready:) I'm ready to recover from this cross. Probably a little too much of note on this, because it is probably spiritual exhibitionism. No or brought you this. He will tell you m just that he feels a strong faith and who I am and not ashamed of it. The Lord is with me.

not hurt me like me facing the street from the pedals (I can always exclaim, "like"). Today, people need a real priest, more than niedykolwiek . On zjAvie I n ormalnie Tues - shir you. Ż ałowałem this later, not in koloratce. A knife somebody wants talk, because I do not have the courage to approach a priest for the sacristy of his church. I have a hard character. I'm doing in school:) but do not shout at people. A priest must be first with the heart. I have my hobbies (games, role-playing, bicycle, ASG), problems (loneliness), and sometimes even crises or moments of weakness. But do not act brought you this for s iebie but for the Lord:) and I am living a happy man, but only human. Let no one and I never shed no tears. Therefore, t also depended need support - prayer. I have a personal request to you - szepnijcie can sometimes her and ntencji to you:) Not just the whole rosary, but even just one sentence, even a moment dedicated to the memory (probably today the most important time is currency).

As it is a week of prayer for vocations to the priesthood , to mention a phrase that said me a woman - "we have so their Father ięży jaich the wymodlimy." do not know if I wrote everything I wanted, because my thoughts were chaotic hierarchy. Do not know if you are interested at all, but I had such a need for a split to this with you.

PS. Yesterday I returned from the service, which was held at the chapel, about 2 miles from the church, I was dressed and fully armed group of youth from aczepi wa me the question: "What is a priest so he takes?" replied: "Because in the end I'm on my brave" walked away with a smile:)


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