Monday, May 9, 2011

Husk Truck Tool Box Parts

1/k20 - so I see it

After the entry for hitting a critical need to show a critical comment about poodles. This phenomenon in itself two years ago was alien to me. I met them through one of my buddies MG, who introduced me to D & D as a player, and now MG)

Box is thus critical RPG session at a critical hit, or dessert sessions, maybe even the icing on the cake, because it is unexpected, and certainly not intended as opposed to critical hits, which even before the execution of a player you definitely imagined. I remember myself one of his throws bone d20 dramatyczniejszych where I made big eyes at the sight of "1". What was? Already you describe. My heroine - not fond of vulgarity warrior posture whip and sword półtoraręczny approached the tavern in order to enter the human food for her, and after searching the village. She did not know that her companions have already begun a quarrel in a bar. warrior this guy put down, that he fell at the same entrance. When my character wanted to enter the Ministry stated that the doors are locked. I found that "getting the boot" and I had to throw the bone d20. When one fell, it appeared that the door that she kicked the form of impact strength and his weight hit the other side lying semi-conscious adventurer in the head breaking his spine in the neck. The figure entered quieting the entire inn, stating that "it happens" (character chaot. Bad). Situation was not planned and quite trdna the whole campaign - we hated the village:) It happens. Even at a session of the barbarian zjAvie went to Lizard and the 1/k20 slipped and fell on his back doing leg slide tackle at the same reptilian:)

course, such situations happen in reality and is called simply "bad luck:) last was even on demotywatorach (do not place all the vocabulary) image content glorifying evil, but that is not lazy, because I still comrades:) hero / character. Something like that is. For dessert, I throw you a few video clips showing 1/k20.

course, these clips on youtube a lot. Even the Final Destination series of films based on 1/k20 (collisions, and its cause in 2 parts).

And at the end of a surprise question. I met a priest exorcist was sensational and I wonder if it might carry some interview about the RPG its arguments to defend a topic? What do you think? Regards.


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