Saturday, January 1, 2011

What Is A Good Conditioner For Oily Hair?

the head first! Boredom

do I even start ... I wrote not so long ago, probably some of you may have forgotten about this place? ;)

Bark time. This is probably the most significant reason for my not being and not blogging, though - from time to time looked to you, sometimes comment on it. I know that a little, but what to do ... Before Christmas is terribly hot period of the scenery. My florist has become my second home - literally everything was going on, apart from sleeping, but sometimes it's wondering whether or not to go home when the clock stand out 4 in the morning ... Comfortable armchair, a few moments of refreshing night's sleep, so what toilet ... STOP! Exactly the toilet herded me dodomowej bathrooms, and no known - Clam ... :) But what I will write, yet I have no right to complain about the time the past - thanks to him very slightly undermined podreperowałam home budget;) though and so little ... But what!

Christmas ... Well, go by fast! Even their one has a feel, I do not feel as if I so desired! I'm awfully tired, Christmas dress after coming from the parents of the Christmas dinner ... Well, but it is! Różowobiała, with crystals, glass icicles, silver chains, miles and miles of white organza bows linked to the persistent pink, several shades, ornaments ... Although it is artificial - that I love it. I have mixed feelings about buying a few moments of live trees and Trigger then go into the trash ... Already in the Łódź scare a few places sprinkled with dry stalks stuck needles into the urban MPO ... Sad ... That is why I preferred to invest in a decent quality of artificiality.

soon after Christmas - a move! Parviflora change my address from the East 68/70 Próchnika 8! The bar full of boxes, workó, commercials ... When I overtake it all? Among the entire haosu - New Year's Eve decorating potting Szefler, and coordinate the cool casing hyacinths ... That is probably a good sign? That the new will be good ... I hope so. Meanwhile, wedding fairs a few days - January 9, the exhibit at the Lodz Arena. Then I give a week to bring the property to working condition, January 17, I want to move ... Wait-and-see ...

spend New Year's Eve in the company of loved ones, with the Society of Beer. I'm not very happy with the organization of this event there have moments of exasperation and anger, but the main thing that greeted the New Year with your loved ones!

******* I want you to apologize for the lack of holiday wishes - making New Year's greetings! May this year 2011 proved to be excellent year, a year full of prosperity, joy, goodness and limitless creativity ... I wish you a day filled with love, closeness, trust, peace. I do not want you to meet all the dreams - but only the innermost, the most important - and let others continue to remain unfulfilled beautiful - without them the world would be unhappy, unreal, sad ... I wish you well, so that the world blog, where we meet - he was gracious, kind and true, sincere, without unnecessary dissensions and unpleasant comments ... To blogger did we naughty ;) Buzialki for ol!

In the meantime - was wymianka serduszkowa drawer - this is what came out of it;)

serducho so cool purple and a note Thank You I got from Gosik;
nice soft cotton heart, with crochet lace sewn

supposed to be "nieświąteczne 'heart - no was;) and any, went to Gosik;
wooden heart with floral decor 3D granular paste, Tapping, adorned with ribbon (picture I got from Gosia - thank you!)

Climates nice place. It's time to select the December MSK. Fewer and fewer people willing to take my fun blogging, (I'm sorry, but what's the strength, right? So I decide to finish this plebiscite ... The last time the title thus acknowledges Climates nice places. Of your suggestions - 6 blogs received after 2 votes, among they found my blog - thank you with all serducha! However, the draw goes 5 blogs (in alphabetical order) and they are:

by "losowaczka" December's place was nice Climates blog

Danusia Ściborowskiej. Congratulations Danusiu - I invite you to pick up the following banerka that you can paste at home on the blog and the same pride that your blog has been chosen as the place nice Climates in December 2010.

Of those who voted in the last poll (in order to cast its votes):

1) Anne
2) barbaratoja
3) AnnaZ
4) shiraja
5) Witch
6) Maju
7) Dysiak
8) Anima iss-ola

"losowaczek" chose:

congratulate May - and ask you for information to be sent to the mail surprises

greet all noworocznie again, most everything!


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