Monday, January 31, 2011

Hd Loader Ps2 Scaricare

Minus two toffees))

something from the beginning, I was straight and pulls reduce the number of processes At least half)) what could it be? and bet on How long I've had enough)) the last time it seems a couple of months sufficed))
actually two наполовинунедошитыхтянучки run out) and very fast))
firstly lizard, beads, recruitment panny. in fact it is not as crooked .. just a photographer curves hands.
And terpetnenavizhusherst arbuzik, set riolis.
be continued. the plan has yet doshit sampler - a family guardian Natalia Mlodetsky. embroidered by about half. but how annoying tombstones angels in the corners and the entire upper edge with human ... itself and because lying nedoshitym. the tastiest part of the embroidered very quickly. but how came to the outer edge - here and then started tupnyak and neshetsya. though burst. Well because nenravyatsya me these creatures ...
actually here many embroidered. Sori that such a terrible rag ... She is very mnuschayasya ... and the process has already nepomnyu much. but almost immediately began a design drawn Natasha.
here is the upper edge of creatures, from whom I have foot drop down .. and could not imagine what to do with this .. so hochitsya doshit already, and hang up. but Here's what to replace these creatures not Know .. none netyu ideas?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

College Discus Workout

Distinction, prymulki, latex, and swans.

Today - variously! I quite eating lots of reading. And watching the pictures ... So much going on lately, and writing a post does not have time ... Or is it? ... Just sitting next to a horrible lazy! Oooo, yes! Lazy like me to visit, unless he liked my new studio;)

First of all, I thank Uli , from which I mention:

I am extremely pleased that someone appreciated what I do, what is there to unsubscribed, no iiii ... you know:) It's fun to get something! And this is not vanity, oh no!

Going further - they are principles which I will keep an eye on:
  1. thank the person who granted the award
  2. put your blog link to this blog, of which mention the word przywędrowało
  3. inclusion on blog award, meaning banerka
  4. appoint 10 blogs, which the award is transmitted
  5. awarded the notification of people running their blogs about takowym deed

And so - a point first, second and third have already met, award is to convey (ie, Section 4) great people, on whose blog posts read well on the ice, where earn valuable information, from which I draw inspiration fantastic . It is not easy - the problem are banners on many blogs with the text: NOMINATIONS ARE nice but NO, THANK YOU. What I have written once I got into this relationship ... Never mind ... It is a pity that I can not in this way to express his gratitude, but, well ... So I chose (though it is the blogs more ...):

For a moment I will make
according to step 5

yeeaaah! Spring in Bloom upatrzymy soon!

Another challenge ahead of me! This Sword? Or something else? But probably something with melee weapons?

No - and I have this thing with artificial flowers adorn ... Well ok, but what are the kind of give the composition ... Does it have to be small or bigger? Can cover part of the subject or decor ozdabianego put outside? Hm ... As usual, the inspiration I'm going to ... wholesalers. I walk around the aisles, watching the sea of \u200b\u200bartificial flowers ... Of course, I watch them fingers, because the rings themselves are not enough for me! In the end - I have! Mini-magnolias! Color? Fantastic! Size? Excellent! Invoice? Incredible! Iiiii ...... I know how it will look decor! Yes! I still sznurkodrut brown, with a couple of leaves rib ... Fitting and - please - that's what I came!

And just for comparison:


Yes, I know, I know - the fourth from the bottom magnolia - slightly off the track - but before the issue - was "naprostowana ')

appropriate gift wrapping - and your authority - verbatim happy;)

Swan Lake ... and the all clear ... (In the next post will be about the incident a bit more ...)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Harmful Effects Of Cheetos

For Grandma and Grandpa - Floral treat! Smell

will be plenty of photos;)

Gratka! And that's what! With the live flowers! Prepared by preschoolers! But one by one ...

getting a proposal to lead classes in four-and pięciolatkami from one of the Lodz kindergartens. I can do what I want, how I want and what I want - most importantly, it would be suitable for gift for grandma and grandpa. Ok, no problem. Preschoolers are surely such a fantastic, lovely, love to create, to challenge the artistic ... What's the problem? I think of that for the grandparents will rave flower for grandmothers - compositions in the dishes. I. .. go!

I am going to exchange, buy hyacinths (because it smells amazing!), Korean (because they are fit to work wyklejanych), Leder, feathery leaves, stems of eucalyptus. I'm a sponge, hearts on the peak also shields the highest readiness to moult amazing colors ... but as it later turns - And so most have to take those pink ... and green ...;)

The kindergarten kids are very excited, curious approach to the corner where I cut a sponge, clean the flowers with leaves, cut off from the bulbs of hyacinths. Mr The teachers set tables, preparing the necessary supplies: brushes, scissors, glue bowls, water bowls for soaking sponges.

Babies sit on the rug, introduce myself, tell a little about what I'm doing, why am I here and what we do in a minute.

When you are sitting at their kindergarten chairs - ladies handing out cartons of rave kids to grandparents, from pre-pasted frame and vase. I, Mrs. Halina and Mrs. Magda cut off small and tender leaves Leder, kids glue generously lubricate them and impose on the cardboard to form a bouquet in a vase.

But something begins to happen, a great stir among the kids, I hear the voices of discontent ... Not sticky PLEASE YOU! Hm ... no as it is not sticky ... Yet surely Wikol paper glued to live leaves and flowers ... many times I checked ... But the moment this is something strangely Wikol white color, it is not even slightly szlisty ... I ask Mrs. Halina, whether that certainly is the glue, by which I asked? He says that so ... The kids are beginning more and more to drill, they do not like too long to keep feet on the image, which leaves nohow do not want to stick! Meddling in the glue, ciapciam ... hm ... Wikol is not, I fear that is not even glue ... any zero-viscosity ... I look at a bottle of "glue" ... It turns out that the white paint! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Ms. Halina surprised argues that frames and vases are white, it just stuck to the cardboard laurkowych ... Hm ... Well, maybe, this paper and this paper ... Paint can clog;)

Among the kids quite a lot of confusion, who can not see, but brings Wikol in a tube. Checking on your laurce - sticky! Well, now you need to replace too soiled white paint boxes, you need to wash your feet and can be taken to work! Even with the real glue;) tiling goes quite smoothly, the first leaves, then flowers. In three of the children we help.

Whew, rave over!

We do a short break to wash their feet, pour water into the bowls, getting ready for the flowers. Distributes cap - of course, almost all the girls want to have a pink cap, boys are more different in this relationship to - going green, orange, yellow ... Showing something fantastic - as the boy - sponge show, talking about it, talking about how important water is to florets ... Every toddler gets your piece and puts into the water. Observation provides amazing sensations, as the sponge, great tone: "My first! And my second! Here, and my do not even dipped his whole!" etc. .. Followed listening for their sponges - which niesamowta uproar as happiness and joy! can water? Which is allowed to soak? ;)

sponge when they land in the casings - hyacinths give away the kids - girls are delighted with their beautiful scent, boys are more interested in what color is the flower and what is big:) We put our hyacinths in the sponge, which is not not so easy, because the flowers are characterized by relatively soft, hydrated łodyżką quite so few flowers is breaking - but it's - are up! In sponge, in addition to hyacinths, land still shoots eucalyptus and Korean. At the end of the compositions of sisal decorate, stick to the red heart of the billets.

zawolone Children are - are gifts for grandma and grandpa, Mr. teachers are happy - show grandparents in that you think are a variety of preschool activities, including an unheard of, inter alia, from the living flowers, and I'm happy - a task successfully, despite initial problems with klejofarbą ... Aj there, already forgot about it! ;)

Just a souvenir photo with my wards;)

Mom, Magda - thanks for a new experience!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pathology And Etiology Difference


As usual keep nifiga do))
Dotykalsya, quite by accident, hundred years wallows nedoshitym zayachik again stoletsnyatyysproizvodstva)) all the same terpetnenavizhu embroider wool. terrible stuff. about the general outline silent ... on a drop cloth good pasta, but do not sew ... all recruitment. except the tail - added pumponchik ...
Another navayal couple podvesochek. Micro podvesochka a bird
Nena anything, but this sock mnu than hooked ... sew it here)) giggling
And after parsing the mountains of thread in the "working box "found a long embroidered horse) planned to stick, but since about a year has passed. and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe back side and has not appeared, we had to think where would it fit .. just remembered zanykanuyu frame of micro rtoshnogo naborika)) udachnenko turned on my)
"And let's wound a horse? small! Here a! "
Something I turn to the fineness of mikrostyam ... at this rate, by a couple of years, C grade pass in embroidery, which can be considered only under a microscope with sooo high magnification))

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Benefits, Dried Mango


How Studniówka smell? Perversely, you can answer that, for example przedstresową atmosphere smells, it smells like perfume, it smells like I ate and beverages, it smells even final exams approaching! Well, actually - Studniówka smells ... hiacyntami! And not only Studniówka ....

prom bracelet with live flowers fragrant hyacinth insanely

upiękaszacze These wonderful smell of winter torpor extremely hard, and lustrous colors przyprawiają dizzy ... Smells like purple? Smells like amaranth? Smells like purple? How to smell white? Smells like roses? Studniówka smells like? Well, like hyacinth! That's what!

delightful thank everyone for their comments on previous post and the emails associated with it. You are loved: *

And if I could - continue to please in the competition for SMSki blog years - I have no chance for anything, however cascade of esemesków goes to good cause, so ślijcie:

SMS to number B00212 7122nd The cost of SMS is 1.23 zł gross

With cordial!