Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Root Canal At 35 Weeks Pregnant

Jajkowe needlework at Easter Candy

increasingly falling into a vortex creation of pre-Christmas decorations. At first the fire - decorate eggs - wood - t-shirt with the greatest dzierganymi care on the hook - for my Mami. Pro! With extensive experience ... I envy her this talent - I crochet with not much to be like, it does not listen to me, I do not understand it ... But well we deal with each other and I-fishnet shirts - as seen in the pictures below:)

arranged in the style of my studio - a bit retro, a bit of wood milled, some natural chrobotka ...

I jeszcze2 snapshot of my spots sympathetic Climates ;)

spring greetings to all my Watchers - Podczytywaczy of passive and active commentators - this is for you my dear I prepared a surprise - I decided not to wait for the hundredth post since Christmas just around the corner and now announce JAJKOWE CANDY - T-shirts up for grabs 3 egg in a randomly selected colors. Rules? Standard, with one small modification:
1) Comment on this post
2) if the commentary will use a poem to the wishes of Easter - you will increase your chances of winning CANDY - will be the second draw among those who also publish a notice rhymes (may not be repeated)
3) Linked one of the following images
4) draw on April 15


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