Monday, April 11, 2011

How To Do Side Weaves

Przykicało i. .. odkicało!

And it's a double!

in turn: kicają me two Easter bunnies (me it looks more on the rabbits, but the travel package is written like an ox: the Easter bunny - well then, Bunnies). And so I politely sit quietly under the lamp. I sit - lazy to crochet napkin from Mami. I do not know whether the cold, maybe hungry? Yeah .... Magda, her head everything OK?


Finally - skipped - the decoration - alongside młodziutkich hyacinths, which are only going to rozchylić to the world his snow-white fragrant bells ... I sit, and even disturbed - do not want to leave his new place of idling. Apparently - they like the eggs. And the pen. And white flowers ...

are you still with me? No, odkicały ... the entire composition of the Easter ... In the secret I will tell you just enough that they dock at the Port, the Port Łódź)

spring greetings and remind about CANDY:)


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