Saturday, April 30, 2011

Strengthening And Toning Exercises

KB # 21 Evil

started another blog carnival, now 21st Always something he did not pay my attention until now, when he appeared to be quite unusual and intersujący topic - evil. There are a few interesting observations on several blogs. I decided to participate in this KB. I was wondering, however, over how the notes specify you choose. Of course, the plane is the RPG theme, and I might remind all a fantasy world in which evil exists in the imaginary potworkach, black characters, etc. However, I decided to bite on the other side.

Home life and perplexing the definition of evil. I asked a few people today "do you define evil in one sentence?". Nobody answered. So I say to you:)


See for yourself a series of several short, and proving my theory movies. I'd better not often write

I know I should bite on the problems of rpg, but this approach applies to us humans, and thus our life and passion:) Cheers.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011



A let ya you their latest little flowers show))

little bigger, if anyone interested Circuits))
and a branch cutter)) da truth is another made a little smaller, yellowish. but its still a bit toned Nun. so far only the bottom sfotala))

Since in the living freesia never seen, it is difficult to define like this, or is smooth. who has seen - express your criticism pozyazya) thanks)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mechanical Drawing Of An Outboard Motors

peas, pear-hippo))

long personal did not show, because as usual do nothing)) tuneyadka))
though something did nakyvyryala))
pots from riolis, with too asnym terpetnenavizhusherst embroidered 18 Aida, polukrestom)) vot so embroider wool I even liked it)) has not yet been executed, because they do not come up as well in what is planned does not fit ...
so enthusiastic that the peas at the same time and pear embroidered)) also polukrestami) but as a regular "love" of the designer who invented the stitching on the "ladder"! well Why not have been done without corners? straight grrr. volumetric riolis more unlikely when the sewing thread will ...
And I was given a two-sided behemoth-Banner at the door)) napkin decoupage)) trudge with him)) My favorite begemoshki, so even with the wings)) mrrr
So far FSE)) account for another)) all happy)
always your module))

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lorena Herrera Enbikini

Setnie and continues easterly

Setnie - because I write post-hundredth of łaaaaaaaaaał! I did not believe that I find it ever succeed;) so I can arrange something with this opportunity? Well ok, but then at the end of my writings today. Because before I want to devote some attention and place of my Easter stroikom, whose precursor is the headdress of the recently described kitajcami:) that is this:

still occur next, but these three, whose pictures below - the most pushed in front of the lens which comes out really nice to them - and each is slightly different:) And the lambs are incredibly friendly and very willing to pose, and some were comfortable with the lichen rozsiadają grass!

First bunnies, lambs later .. . And as Easter is, after all, and cocks - yes? It is here you are!

Coming back to setności - and sweetness;) is in the next post I promise to announce CANDY, which will last ... no bit of a take, and what!

Friday, April 15, 2011

What Brand Hair Color Do Stylist Use

In the fast - results CANDY

Participants fun:
  1. Zpotrzebywnetrza
  2. Anne
  3. Works Madame
  4. MariaPar
  5. Skimmia
  6. Orsynia
  7. Justysias7000
  8. Barbaratoja
  9. Edzia
  10. Inga
  11. Ela17
  12. Danusia
  13. Asia
  14. Inspired
first draw - among all the participants of fun - thanks

Skimmia - congratulations!

second draw - out of the game participants, who also wrote the rhymed Easter greetings - thanks
  1. Anne
  2. Works Madame
  3. Skimmia
  4. Orsynia
  5. Justysias7000
  6. Barbaratoja
  7. Edzia
  8. Asia
  9. Inspired

Skimmia - congratulations ?!?!?!? And yet - it's called get lucky!

Please shout data for shipping and selected three kolorkami shirts:

Thank you to everyone involved in my game. I embrace you tight!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gdl Alberta Licence Drive In Ontario

Here is a garland, a wreath there ...

... au I'm gone?


Kicających decoration pieces waiting to receive the 11th Wiankowych? Far one piece - and should be 7th .. After all I have time, no? Nothing is, tomorrow I'm going to generate at least 4 .. We'll see.

wreath in all its glory

and zbliżonko

I recall maturing draw (tomorrow, ie April 15!) CANDY;)

Monday, April 11, 2011

How To Do Side Weaves

Przykicało i. .. odkicało!

And it's a double!

in turn: kicają me two Easter bunnies (me it looks more on the rabbits, but the travel package is written like an ox: the Easter bunny - well then, Bunnies). And so I politely sit quietly under the lamp. I sit - lazy to crochet napkin from Mami. I do not know whether the cold, maybe hungry? Yeah .... Magda, her head everything OK?


Finally - skipped - the decoration - alongside młodziutkich hyacinths, which are only going to rozchylić to the world his snow-white fragrant bells ... I sit, and even disturbed - do not want to leave his new place of idling. Apparently - they like the eggs. And the pen. And white flowers ...

are you still with me? No, odkicały ... the entire composition of the Easter ... In the secret I will tell you just enough that they dock at the Port, the Port Łódź)

spring greetings and remind about CANDY:)

Friday, April 8, 2011

How Long Can An Anorexic Go Without Food


Finally - corner "posiedzeniowy" ready! Whew! 3 months Musing, sewing, set, furniture, and eventually fares ...... Tadah!

You can now sit in my favorite spot - at nice Climates, where the sweet aroma of coffee and a cookie will talk about flowers ...

And here - just a greeting for my faithful podczytywaczki;)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Root Canal At 35 Weeks Pregnant

Jajkowe needlework at Easter Candy

increasingly falling into a vortex creation of pre-Christmas decorations. At first the fire - decorate eggs - wood - t-shirt with the greatest dzierganymi care on the hook - for my Mami. Pro! With extensive experience ... I envy her this talent - I crochet with not much to be like, it does not listen to me, I do not understand it ... But well we deal with each other and I-fishnet shirts - as seen in the pictures below:)

arranged in the style of my studio - a bit retro, a bit of wood milled, some natural chrobotka ...

I jeszcze2 snapshot of my spots sympathetic Climates ;)

spring greetings to all my Watchers - Podczytywaczy of passive and active commentators - this is for you my dear I prepared a surprise - I decided not to wait for the hundredth post since Christmas just around the corner and now announce JAJKOWE CANDY - T-shirts up for grabs 3 egg in a randomly selected colors. Rules? Standard, with one small modification:
1) Comment on this post
2) if the commentary will use a poem to the wishes of Easter - you will increase your chances of winning CANDY - will be the second draw among those who also publish a notice rhymes (may not be repeated)
3) Linked one of the following images
4) draw on April 15