Saturday, February 13, 2010

How Can I Find 12chan

Welcome to Warsaw!

OK, all right - I admit: I did not write recently.

But those who have followed our journey page or facebook know: our phase ended on 08.02.2010 in Aswan.

I think You can say that success: without casualties, though not without minor abrasions and loss of equipment.

At this point I would like to thank:

Heather Smith - a sense of humor, an Egyptian wedding in Edfu and respect for his perseverance,

Piotrek Tomzie - for a great job of writing the relationship and the people, that you saw, how he would jump at 6, to write, because sometimes there was no time!

Paul Pachli - instructive lessons for photojournalism and 200-km trip to Kantary,

Theophilus Mroczkowi and Bei - for accommodation in a beautiful home, great no joke, and coffee and for lessons in Arabic gestures (performed by Theophilus), Sebastian

Woitsch'owi - a very nice company on the route from Cairo to Luskoru,

teamowi - a literal hardware, questioning what was in us, a great organization and for the whole expedition,

Dad - for sending postcards, and a filter to Cairo at express pace,

Neither Grabieniow - for lending bands and filters,

parents, grandparents and family Peek - for "doladownia" which made the trip does not ruin the rest of my financial resources,

Karim for keeping me through year and a half bike intact.

(Last night I met with Karim and picked up my old bike. Would you believe - it worked flawlessly! Well, such are the advantages of a dry climate - not even a trace of rust is 1.5 years on it is not has left.

And today, after a sleepless night, at 5 am, drove him from Doqqi (ie where they live and Sebastian Teo) at the airport. And this is how: with a huge backpack and a guitar attached in place of the bags!),

... And last but not least ...

blog readers - for being with us.

If someone has the time and inclination, in Travelers Club next Monday with 19 (PAH) will be possible to meet us live and see the slideshow.

Well, Salaam!


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