Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hot Milk In My Stomach


We completed our stage and pass the baton to the next expedition, and on my blog will be made again in the winter sleep, I would like to share with you some experiences, which have not yet had occasion to write.

train or market?

have to try this, but it's best never to repeat the journey class II B from Port Said to Cairo. "Be", because without air conditioning. Cheaper ticket is no longer possible to buy: 11 pounds (~ 6PLN) for some 240 km.

When we get to train at Port Said in the eye immediately throws up dirt. Outside the cars were probably never washed - all utytłane in the desert dust and grease. Glass has long since ceased to be used for viewing, and are used for admitting a bit of light through his yellow-matt surface.

In the middle you can see that it was cleaned up. Not right away that it washed, but the garbage after a previous trip were at least learned what a trivial matter given that the Egyptians all the garbage thrown out ... next to each other, possibly through the window. Therefore, the area around the subgrade recalls long garbage dump. Our train

riding at night. We had a chance to find out what it means "without air conditioning." Namely, it means ... exactly the opposite. Some windows do not domykają (doors too), the temperature at night drops to a few degrees above zero. On the train pizga like hell, so the field obtain a decent sleeping bag. Of course, in air-conditioned car in general does not have hinged windows, so it is warmer.

the inspector, which he did not like Smith, and has not been well liked us (on the same police station had very similar trouble to commune with the local police, to which 80 years earlier, Smith called simply "bandits") gets the crowd to the train travelers. Among them obnośni tea vendor, cookies or husteczek hygiene, who overwhelmingly passed a vocation - they should have been muezinami. In total, perhaps they would be were it not that in all the mosques are installed speakers.

After the first wave of attack, when he utwierdzimy muezinów 100 times in the belief that it did not need their product, followed by a second wave. This apparel retailer draw your business from bags and boxes. Everything can be carefully inspected on the spot, try and stargować.

Wyborażacie itself, therefore, that the train has a dreadful noise and crowds, which builds up when the train stops at stations. Despite the fact that Arabs do not know too much concept of time, and usually they did not hurry, yet in sytacjach of the communications fall into amok. And just as often on the road ahead for the third or fourth, so those who get in, can not be worse than those who disembark.

One thing is certain: this train is not boring. But we are not inclined to rest, but rather to survive!


Lower Egypt (North) differs quite a bit from the Upper (southern). While North modernizes and builds on the power somewhere so from Assiut to the south are moving back several centuries.

course, everywhere there is electricity, buildings of brick, etc., but the devil is in the details. In Upper Egypt, left many buildings built of clay, which has long been the Lower zbużone. Still an equal means of transportation is a car drawn by donkeys. On the streets they drive cars, which in Europe has long can be seen in museums, some even with the wooden bodywork. Popular means of transport are Caleche, or taxi rides.

above channels, the ziemistych wydeptywanych paths for thousands of years, slowly wanders Rural traffic: donkeys, cows, oxen, farmers stolidly przebierający pedal a bike as old as the world.

Another is the dress: instead galabiji fellahowie often have short shorts, white shirt and brown vest.

And one more thing: there is less waste.

As for traveling by bike, that Upper Egypt is much more satisfying. I would say that considering the conditions in the Middle East, this is a very nice place to drive on a bike!


fact that communication in Egypt wheel is dangerous, unless we all already know. But what exactly is it? Contrary to appearances, there are some rules here, come probably were not written in any official code. To make life easier for those who are here going on two wheels, and to satisfy your curiosity, I would write a few words about it.

Rule No. 1: Who is bigger, the better. No matter what is the light, who has priority under the legislation. The message is simple: always gives priority to a truck. It also has the loudest horn. The loudest that is more or less the same as the noise of jet engines taking off. So it's hard not to notice. Due to exercise their unconditional priority, as soon as the trucks they drive, usually left lane.
According to this principle, there is the following hierarchy: large trucks and buses, small trucks, cars, horse carriages, carriages, donkeys, motorcycles, cyclists, pedestrians.
So how do you see, we're almost at the end of the food chain. Or rather, the beginning ...

Rule No. 2: Riding the tide is around here probably do not need special comment. If you want to go back, you do not have to worry about commuting to the next nawrotki. Just turn back, and ride along the edge of an oncoming lane, looking deeply into his eyes.

Rule 3: Do not trąbisz not exist. This principle can be supplemented by the principle: Mirrors are completely unnecessary product of Western civilization. Well, for what they użwać, since each trumpet? Just turn his ear and immediately know if someone goes back. More - depending on how the trumpeting horn and installed sound, you can determine what type of vehicle is approaching and what he intends. You can warn, greet, share kindness ... As for the mirrors, it would not hurt to install them wrong with a few, but just for showing-off, for ornamental purposes.

Principle 4: Trash overboard. The consequence of this principle is that the shoulders of larger roads are basically dumps. Sometimes it smells nasty, but who cares?

Fortunately, in the Nile Valley routes run along channels, which greatly reduces the amount of traffic operators pop the side, silent.


greatly, greatly regret that there is no real muezinów. Well, the Arabs are lazy, and even in the smallest mosque situated alone in the desert is the current speaker and installed the Minar. And by the way is a much poorer minarets of mosques is not only such a small towers combined with the building, with a look so very reminiscent of some of our churches.

Despite this singing is still calling for prayer has a lot of oriental beauty. Not until the end is just unclear to me why one of the seasons call to prayer is something like 5 in the morning. In any event, relieve sleep works great.

----- As you can see, there's "a little" differently. But little does not mean worse. Just different, and it is beautiful.


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