Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Make A Basketball Board Game

Long live bureaucracy!

Nowak Today we had to hang the plaque on the building of the Polish Archaeological Station in Cairo. But it turned out that the consent of President of the University and Chancellor of the UW, which, according to assurances (from December) would enable us to place placards, But not enough, because you need the consent of someone else, as we learned only a few days ago. So the plate we take with us and we will try to find another place for her. In the meantime, can clear up the matter at the UW.
My Tomorrow we head to Kantary. Paul and I are ambitious attempt to "jump" of 180 kilometers in one day. Jump, because according to all the data is a nasty trail of great truck traffic, which can be expected to fumes, dust, horns and drivers' lack of imagination. Sick, Peter and Magda are going by train.
History expedition Nowak Kantary to what is interesting photographic history. Kazimierz Nowak in North Africa had a heavy camera on glass positives. Meanwhile, Jerusalem was sent to him a great system camera Contax (today compared with the Leica), a much lighter, and used until today, black and white negatives. Our Voyager therefore decided to go from Cairo to Jerusalem after the camera, but was stopped at the border, which then fell down the Suez Canal (in the inspector's). After spending nights in jail Nowak returned back to Cairo, where the camera was sent from Jerusalem.


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