Sunday, January 31, 2010

What Is The Best Way To Store Flour Longtime?

Luxor, Upper Egypt

25.694771, 32.642638, Nubian Oasis Hostel, Luxor, Upper Egypt
138 km -

again tonight Well, we fed rock. At night we arrived in Luxor (despite false plates, which have already heralded the city 5 km earlier). Immediately after the final match was the African Nations Cup i. .. Egypt won.
80 million (or perhaps more accurately, no one knows;) crowds of Egyptians took to the streets of El Nueiby Sollum to and from Alexandria to Aswan. Cars, motorcycles, bicycles, carriages, old and young, men and women, poor and rich - all painted with Egyptian flags, happy and contented.
Maybe in two years so it will be among us?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Retrackable Bo Staff To Buy

Sohadz, Osrodek Coptic

yesterday night: 26.785264,31.521744, a ferry off the coast of the Nile (we set up our tents on it!, can see it on satellite photos)
yesterday's distance: 67km
przedwczorajszy night: 27.112317, 31.171984, hotelik Franciscan
przedwczorajszy Distance: ~ 65km
writes briefly, because As usual, we do not have too much time. Recently
frequently offered hospitality Christian centers: mainly Coptic, but Catholic. This has the plus that and so they are protected by the police, so there is no problem with the guard us at night. Yesterday
the miracle happened, but after the turn. We ride the road and suddenly we able to see the picturesque bend of the Nile. For a moment I shall confer among themselves and set up, we'll try to convince our police escort, from here we want to spend the night in tents. Given the events at Saqqara, where police destroyed our The equipment, knocked, and told Peter to go back to Cairo, the chances did not seem too big. The police made the phone to superiors, and surprisingly the nod to do. Arrives at a nearby harbor ferry, and again they tell us to wait. We at this time, we offer equipment for standing at the ferry wharf broken. The police still waiting for something, we start an put tents. Then some people came running, in order for us to explain that no, because someone can shoot us from the opposite bank and, besides, the night will be cold. Sebastian, Peter and Magda gets into a discussion, at this time we put a tent. After a while the police is facing a fait accompli, and we spend the night bodaze the most beautiful place on the entire route.
Interestingly, when already closed in sleeping bags in August, actually could hear shots from a Kalashnikov. Because they are accompanied by rhythmic chants can assume that the shots were weddings.
Today we stop in front of Ken 10km Copts in El-feared (~ 26.234533,31.997241).

Monday, January 25, 2010

High Shot Put Dimensions

Short and to the ...

... for something more literal tomorrow morning, inszallah (if God willing).
Why not have SMS? Because my phone is broken. Pounding it in metal or concrete slabs stopped to help ...
Why is there no item? Because the GPS "is" broken. Well, some have helped him in this.

For Norbert and interesting geographical aspect of our trip:
Our current position: 28.094245,30.756471, Majestic Hotel, Al-Minya, Egypt. Distance: km ~ 135th
Our item yesterday (24/01/2010 evening): 29.065062, 31.121729, Coptic Centre, Beni Suef.
Distance: ~ 95 km the day before yesterday
Our position: (23.01.2010 evening): 29.758121,31.246274, the field near Dahshur.
Distance: 71 km
przedprzedwczorajsza Our position: flat Sebastian, Cairo (after we turn back by police at Saqqara and the deduction of us through it).
Items may be slightly inaccurate, because it gives them the observation satellite maps. Generally

do not worry about the lack of relationship, everything is ok, but technology sometimes fails. Let's go further!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Syphilis On Tounge Or

Hotel Abdelazeem, Kattara

km 200 - Today
(km 968 - a total of step Egyptian) item
: 30.852602,32.310002
succeeded, we got to Kantary! Odaleznismy place where Kazimierz Nowak was remanded in custody. We had here and also from a few other adventures. Tomorrow will send more details from Cairo.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Make A Basketball Board Game

Long live bureaucracy!

Nowak Today we had to hang the plaque on the building of the Polish Archaeological Station in Cairo. But it turned out that the consent of President of the University and Chancellor of the UW, which, according to assurances (from December) would enable us to place placards, But not enough, because you need the consent of someone else, as we learned only a few days ago. So the plate we take with us and we will try to find another place for her. In the meantime, can clear up the matter at the UW.
My Tomorrow we head to Kantary. Paul and I are ambitious attempt to "jump" of 180 kilometers in one day. Jump, because according to all the data is a nasty trail of great truck traffic, which can be expected to fumes, dust, horns and drivers' lack of imagination. Sick, Peter and Magda are going by train.
History expedition Nowak Kantary to what is interesting photographic history. Kazimierz Nowak in North Africa had a heavy camera on glass positives. Meanwhile, Jerusalem was sent to him a great system camera Contax (today compared with the Leica), a much lighter, and used until today, black and white negatives. Our Voyager therefore decided to go from Cairo to Jerusalem after the camera, but was stopped at the border, which then fell down the Suez Canal (in the inspector's). After spending nights in jail Nowak returned back to Cairo, where the camera was sent from Jerusalem.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Inner Harbor Horse N Carriage Ride

Cairo apartment Theophilus

km 147 (total 768)
rank: N 30.03977 E 31.20634

Yesterday was fun: first, a delicious breakfast at your Serówków Mariola and Gregory (also a priest came John Cooper, to popilnować our bicycles, for which many thanks!) then drive "Agriculture Road south towards Cairo. This road leads to an embankment and crosses through the green fields of the Delta. On the balk palms, the fields are cut into narrow channels and, land roads for donkeys. Houses, with space-saving, built up high, even though the village. So that the image was not too wyidelaizowany, then add that when there is a dirt road, and rural poverty, though it's dirt on the road is probably more;)
When Heather went tube, stopping just dropped us next to the football field. You need to know that in Egypt there is a football euphoria, because the Egypt game was held African Nations Cup. So me and the euphoria has suffered a little, and played with local fellahami. It was very nice, had an even one assist. And to think that Smith wrote in his letters about the inhabitants of the Delta, "swarms of people, although I'm not sure if this rustic rabble of people can be counted." You can see something has changed for the better.
tents pitched in a cafe Arab-called Giant AmrVillage. There was a cool grass, and in the evening match Egypt-Mozambique on the large outdoor screen.
To simplify your life, we say that Magda is my wife - then immediately cease any questions or concerns. This allows us also to sleep in two tents (one Magda and me) - otherwise you would have to break the three, indeed ordered a separate room for Magda in hotels. Oh, such expedition "kitchen." Today we woke up
before dawn on the assumption that we will try to get to Cairo (150km). Somewhere in the middle Peter caught the route stomach pain - it seems that yesterday's kofta with Amra he did not use. Despite this, noted that attempts to go further. Strategy adopted at the same time that he would go quickly, because if he probably just breaks down, then at least we will be a little further. Kilometers pass and Peter continue pushing 1925-1928 km / h, and this otherwise slight breeze! A couple of times stopped at this and that, but at sunset we arrived at the gates of Cairo! Then just travel, "Corniche" (went much better than Alexandria, but he was still a little brighter, and besides, everyone przyczepił Alexandria bought the lights) and come home to Theophilus. 12h journey, of which slightly more than 7h, and 146 km ride for us.
Not bad, eh?

PS On Tuesday at 10 am probably hang Nowak plate in Cairo! Welcome!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Do Women Want Men To Shave ?

Nasser, the Nile Delta

75 (623), N30.97933 E30.53114 sniad.u After enjoying your Serowkow we go, "AgricultureRoad", it grabs my gums, playing in the leg

Friday, January 15, 2010

Titleist Ap2 How To Tell A Fake

Alexandria - another label on!

Position: 31.200806, 29.898009, Normandy Hotel (today it will spend one more night)
Today at 1910 local time (9 Polish time) on the wall of the Honorary Consulate of Poland was attached plate in honor of Kazimierz Nowak. The celebration was accompanied by a very large, but it przesympatyczna Polonia Alexandria. After the ceremony we went to the office of Consul Samy Aly el Rashidy, which has taken us a treat and a glass of whiskey. It is very nice, 90-year-old Egyptian, if you can use this expression "walking piece of history" - in his office were diplomas from both Tito and Bartoszewski.
Yesterday, after the night at the citadel of commemorating the victims of the battle of El Alamein, we went on our way highway to the west. The movement is very small, and often shoulder the entire width belt, so going to be very comfortable. At the height of El Hammam, however, decided to leave this convenient way to try to find traces of Kazimierz Nowak. His stay in Hammam prove not published, but we hold copies of his letters to his wife and a notebook with stamps that have gathered in various places on the road.
But it turned out that it is not or can not find anyone old enough to remember our visit. The oldest person that we found, was about 60 years. In Egypt, the average age is still quite low. Similarly, we could not find any significant building "of the era" - this gives a picture of the dynamics of change in Egypt. But Hammam charmed us very picturesque tuk-tukami - tiny vehicles built on the basis of motorbike-like rickshaws. Just do not know why the inscriptions on the tuk-tukach were so stylized that it seemed to be dripping with blood, was dominated by the theme saber. Tuk-Took line drivers are often teenagers, although in some cases it was doubtful whether they actually crossed the age of 10 years. In any event, somewhere in the neighborhood starts to work here.
Perversion for El Hammam, and later to Burg el Arab, where he was also Nowak, resulting in a rather dramatic consequences. Somewhere, at sunset we arrived at the "Desert Road" - Highway (?) From Cairo to Alexandria. There's this huge amounts of traffic - three stripes (although in practice the Egyptians do with them 4 or even 5 lanes), river flows vehicles: cars, pick-ups, trucks, vans and buses. Theophilus, as a cyclist on a daily familiar with the realities of traffic in Cairo, he took upon himself the most risky task - it was the last. I will be brief - was afraid to look back, where, among gas and dust headlights (although some were disabled, but there is as usual) at an alarming pace approaching the back of Theophilus, appear in the cacophony of screaming klaksonowego. But even so it's not Theophilus, but Peter was hit almost as he jumped from a side route pick-up, whose driver did not consider it appropriate to give priority to us due to us.
course, the police, this time just was not with us, but it always comes when you want to pitch tents to tell us that we should break down near the police station, however, because it will be safer. Police would like to We also tell you what, when and for how much we eat and where and for how much we sleep, but this is a topic for another story.
How not to look, we arrived safe and sound to Alexandria. City is extremely pleasant, beautifully situated on the bay - "relax" is the best word to a short summary of the local lifestyle of people, architecture - anything at all. Those who choose to be here to look for cultural experiences can be a bit disappointed, but we, after 6 days of pedaling that is exactly what we needed most - relax!
Although at the time of the Egyptian revolution, foreigners have been thrown away by President Nasser, Alexandria is still considered the most liberal city in Egypt. Women move freely in the streets here, and different means of communication, some even without Hust. What a contrast compared to that of Sidi El Shallum Barrani, where women have seen ... 0. Say zero.
In the space of the city you come across the elements of the Christian (mostly Coptic), and even Jewish - there are two synagogues, although they look to closed. The prevailing architecture 'belle epoque', quite strongly and then processed by a style of Arabic - the Arabic equivalent of giving Nice.
One of the biggest advantages Alexandria is a delicious joke - on the street fast food chains serving fuul and falafel, the restaurants with meat and fish dishes, the cafe and bakery - everything here is tasty, though not necessarily healthy.
Since i have never come to mind, I end up on the relationship of the two last days of the expedition.
the Corniche (coast) Alexandria at sunset greet

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Calling Python From Bat

Alexandria, Al-

134 (548) Just for the record, the night had to be paid to entry-Cairo highway MASSACRE-fumes, trucks, dust, holes in any train

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bathing Suit Gretchen Wore On Housewives

Center Alamain, Cm.Niem

123 (404 ) N30.88934 E28.87475 Today It was not sensational (wind at your back); Sunday harder for a night in the hut

Monday, January 11, 2010

Clonk Rage Klucz Rejestracyjny

74/215, N31 21.289 E27 14.534 113
Today's birthday Nowak K-row! Along the way, a small accident, a few abrasions-as he gave advice!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Progestronesoft Gelatincapsules

El Marsa Matrouh Nagila

111/141, 5; N31 24.122 E26 35.72
police convoy all the time-came in handy today in Sidi Barrani, where he defended us from the crowd!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Woman Masterbates At Party

Checkpoint BAQ BAQ

KM40, 5, N31 29'39 E25 32'39 .759 .693
morning farewell Libyan team. Weather like in UK in the summer, the way good little traffic.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Cake Recipes Using Brownie Mix

Night Massacre sand storm

Night bus trip was a massacre - just behind Cairo appeared in a sandstorm, and all the cars were driving slowly on the lights of an emergency. Then, as the temperature drops, dust, mist turned into a bus and it got terribly cold. If you happen to travel at night, whatever the Sahara, I recommend that you bring a sleeping bag. Today
to tarliśmy to El Salum on the Libyan border. We got the Lord of the police who watched over us and the fact that someone we are not accounted for the higher price.
El Salum is a traditional mieścinka, where in addition to Toyota pick-ups is a lot of the traditional tiny sled with a donkey.
everyone on the street greet us. Children in a rather unique way: "Hello! Fuck you!" but do it with such a sweet smile, that they happily waves back to the greeting "hello! you too."
on the veranda of our hotel we set the three laptops, hookahs and coffee from a nearby cafe. Internet have wi-fi from a nearby Internet cafe. Full grazing. Earlier wzbudzaliśmy already quite a sensation, but now that's crazy! Thus
quite comfortable the way we see we already have for the moment will arrive Libyan team. We have prepared a traditional Polish greeting (unless I did not wyśpimy) supplemented with delicious, fresh dates, which cost 2zł/kg here.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Indoor Basketball Courts Near Wayne, Nj


Today pomykamy night bus services on the Libyan border. Ticket for the route with a length of about 800 km cost in terms of less than 35 zł ...
(1 Euro is 4.10 to 7.78 zł EP)

Light Grey Vs Dark Gray Suit


Stage III will traverse the five people. Yesterday evening we found ourselves in the set. We are a team very positively twisted:
- Peter Tomza is a journalist. Currently, grow a beard and long hair and looks like an Assyrian gunner;
- Paul Pachla is a filmmaker. He wears dreadlocks, is an artist and a dreamer;
- Magda Smith - is a tough girl. You can see it right away. And well ...
- Theophilus Mroczek - Polish language and polyglot. Among its advantages should be mentioned Mussadaq beautiful apartment in Cairo with wi-fi;)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Selling Variable Annuities In Califirnia

Back to Cairo!

So again in Cairo. And that was more wspomnieniowo, it was a stopover in Istanbul. From the airport to our base in Theophilus arrived with full-blown, old Peugeot station wagon, which was sitting in the trunk (there were dostawione seats). The interior was dressed white fur, and the driver was definitely a jam-piste.
adventure begins again!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

1st Death Anniversary Announcement


Yesterday someone wished me a New Year full of surprises. Would come true:)
invite those who are caught here to leave a trace in the form of comments.

And this new earrings ...

(block green and yellow glass, silvered elements) (NOT AVAILABLE)

(glass beads green and orange, silver plated items)

(yellow beads and red, silver-plated components)