Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Walden Galleria For Prom Dresses

Spring weddings

theory in the spring wedding season begins with the coming of Easter. Since then, with every weekend - ba - even with each day - a growing frenzy ślubno-wedding! How do I like it! This is the time when I can truly live off the floristically! A new season promises to be very interesting, both in terms of quantity and różnościowym! Ah ...

But to the point of this post. Spring pre-season weddings. Two. And here and here, the first violins play the tulips. But how different!

First I do a bunch of zz sześciopłatkowego tulipanka the graceful name of "Pleasure". Is for an older bride ... Civil marriage ... Beige shingle, strings bright pearls ... The bouquet has to be something light, delicate, bright - such guidelines - so Bouquet bleached ribbed leaves ...

care - sometimes maybe too much - about everyone, even the smallest detail. In this case, they are pearls that zwieńczają stems of tulips.

For older groom - a delicate and elegant buttonhole ...

second bouquet arises polylobal "Cassablanci. Is to have a clutch, but can not dominate. Besides, it would be hard to dominate any bouquet złotołososiową bride! Is it unique? I do not know. For the Bride's for sure.

equally unique to the groom - buttonhole.

and unique to the witnesses - a bouquet and buttonhole.

As for tulips - has always had some resistance from them before the wedding bouquet. Known - they are quite whimsical flowers, like to bend, grow, change - when you least expect ... While once almost two years ago gave to persuade the bouquet of these flowers,

later somehow not ... Almost until yesterday:) We say that they are so graceful flowers that I could have arranged at least once a week one wedding bouquet!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Eye Doctor Who Accept Peachcare

Lamps - my lights;)

Somehow in the nineties of the last century. (But it sounds cool - this century, ahahhaha). Calling for Tatka Mami. I do not quite know what he says, but it is accidental actions nietęgą face, said only: " Well, I leave to you. " Ha! So that what? So that Mami something nice and big - or serious - from Aunt drags from Tomaszów! Well, Dad has to leave her at the station. And to help you. Stay at home, but terribly impatient, probably dealing with something very ambitious, I can not remember exactly what ... But I remember Dad's entrance with "delighted" face i. .. Horrors in hand! Puts on a high floor lamp. I guess the wood. With wsiowym shade some ... I do not know what! bleeeeeeeeeeee! Dad emerges from behind the przeszczęśliwa Mami: "A pretty lamp from Aunt got?" Yeah. Disgusted I am going to his room. "In my not wager! ." Crash. Oops, again, the smoke will be slamming the door! Well - drafts are, right? Well.

And the terrible thing called a lamp standing in the room parents. And scary. Well, that in the corner, behind the TV. But still scary. " There was nothing put in that empty corner, and it fits the lamp. I have a similar shade to the lamp! " Well, well ... Fits ... Like the flower to ... And the lampshade ... Do no harm words ... About 4 years go by, maybe 6? Count them. The mother - is coming out that some 11! So many years of horror stands proudly in the corner of the TV and haunts ... Although there are no longer haunted, now blends in with the wall of the segment, with room ... SOMETHING for it grows everyday ... I do not think nothing of it ... Do not mention it!

coming Christmas. First, before which is not helping to clean up every year, because the clean up at home, in your own bed M3. The phone rings. Mami! " do not want this lamp can from the corner of the TV? " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " Not really, we do not fit anywhere else. " Are you sure? " Yes moms, I'm sure, confident, and do not want this lamp. " For shame away ... But working ..." "This is why it want to give? " Because I want there to insert a tiny Christmas tree. There is no you there is no one who dressed this great ... The it certainly does not want? "But the headstrong!" No! "I know, sorry mami. But I really do not want it" Dad It will be up to the cell. "Whew! And we know - which raised the cell - usually does not come back home already! Well, unless after the holidays ... Nieeeeeeee!
pass another 3 years ... Christmas is coming. I stand before the opening of a floral studio. Assembles furniture , duperelki ... I'm going to create a cool staropodobny atmosphere. Vibrant paint, tons of sandpaper, varnish ... And why not .... no ... and can they? " moms do you have this lamp in a cell? " How dad as he had not fired cleanup we have. "Yeah, Dad, and cleanup in the cell ... I'm going to the family home, I urge to descend into the cell and, in my eyes in the light appears przygasającym SHE! It is FANTASTIC! Akurat such a need! Immediately fetching shade of her Mary, what a terrible thing ! Well, and this frame is quite pretty, some have to bend and be like new!

I'm taking a lamp into the studio, wipe, foot paint, paint the frame for the shade. Misiek promises to earn some extra money because the new cable is cut. I want to just leave. I put it in the corner - no! WordHex! And yes the lamp stands ... But something is missing .. It may, however, a lampshade? Hm ... " moms what do you suggest? Sew something? " Well, and sew. Knitting and crochet. That is to say: Mami necks, Mami yarn, soft.

Just a few crystals and light like new, FANTASTIC! Right?

" How do you want to have one light studio to come. " Do you want? Well, bah! I'm flying in head first! After another fantastic lamp! Is smaller. Gets a slightly different shade. And it gets klimacik cool, no?

Newsflash: I'm looking and I can not find - Punch with a decorative motif of a bat! If anyone had any, about a - aha, I note that I am interested in themes larger than 1cm ... as much as possible ... Thanks!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Death The Kid Character Song

little energiii

The energy they talking about? The power of color! To be more exact - to combine two hot colors - orange and red. At once it got warmer:) right?

discovered in jungle endless images - photos of the cake for Anna - tasty!

nice and warm! (CANDY soon;))) - in about eight posts? ;)